Wednesday, January 12, 2011

vacation continued...Belize City

We started our journey at a very early 3:30am. Fortunately there is basically no one on the road at that time and we got to the airport in record time because we ended up going to the wrong airport! Since we had a 'layover' in Flores, Guate we had to fly out of a dinky little airport around the back of the main airport. God is good however and we were able to grab a passing tourist shuttle that took us right there. Of course, the driver tried to charge us Q80 once we got there which is the price of going all the way from Antigua to the Airport! It is in these situations that I am very thankful that I speak Spanish and can politely explain that we live here and KNOW for sure that we are being ripped off. The driver tried to argue for about 30 seconds, then gave up, said 'Esta bien', and left without any money! Well alright...
our cute little plane

a little nervous at how cute and little our plane was

even smaller plane from flores to belize city

our pilot flew us over Tikal!
Our first night we stayed in Belize City in order to avoid driving in the dark. In all honesty, this is not really a great tourist destination. Gregg and I had to walk 15 minutes or so with our luggage and I seriously felt the most unsafe I've ever felt in Central America. But once we got to the hotel it was fine
View from our hotel room in Belize City
A few hours after Gregg and I checked-in, had lunch, and started relaxing my family arrived and boy was it good to see them! Besides just the obvious fact that we missed them, they also came bearing gifts! Specifically red vines and twizzlers for Gregg and books, chocolate, and kitchen things for me to name a few. Its was like Christmas all over again :)
The boys back together again

 The next day we headed out from Belize City and stopped at the Belize zoo on our way to the coast. The Belize Zoo is by far the best zoo I have ever been to. The animals are all rescue cases and some of the enclosures are 'open air' to allow for the animals to roam and interact with wild animals of their species. There was also pretty extensive damage after Hurricane Richard but instead of clearing out the debris the zoo just incorporated it into the animals habitats...very cool!
Voldemort, I mean Kris looking right at home

 Pretty good start to the trip! Next stop...Hopkins!


  1. You two are amazing! I'm so glad you had a great time with your family. It was good for my brother to be out of his comfort zone. Now he knows what its like to be on a vacation with your Uncle Tom! Right now he is in Peru on business/kiteboarding!!!! Love you both, Auntie Carmela

  2. Hi,

    Belize City is the largest city about the city is the country's principal port and its financial and industrial hub. Several cruise ships drop anchor outside the port and are tended by local citizens. Thanks...

    Belize Vacation

  3. umm, you get 100 points for flying over tikal (aka, the starwars secret rebel base on Yavin 4) but minus 100 points for not actually going. this guy did:
